Rachel Anna Eirmann

Hey, that's me!

If you are new here... Hi! I am Rachel, I am the owner of R. A. Eirmann Photography. I was Rachel Anna Eirmann, and I am working on changing my business over to my new (as of April 8th, 2022) name of Rachel Anna Andreas, so be on the lookout for more info about that!

I believe booking a photographer who can meet your needs and understand you is super important, so here is a little bit about me. <3

  • Married on April 8th, 2022 on a Friday (Because Fridays are less expensive)
  • No kids yet, but absolutely love babysitting and photographing them
  • Started DSLR Photography in 2014
  • Candid approach to relationships and photography. Nothing should ever feel forced, or like someone other than you.
  • Coffee obsessed! I drove 400 miles round trip to visit a roaster in Annapolis MD.
  • Christian <3 My mission is to show people how beautiful God created them to be. If you are not a Christian, I am not judgmental, I legitimately care about the purpose and meaning of family and marriage.
  • No Dogs yet, but I really want a Mini American Shepherd or an Aussie. Dog-friendly photographer... no like... please bring your dog <3
  • Focused on the little things. I like to focus on little things, little details, little moments that you might not see. I don't like being the show, that should be you, but I also want to capture ALL of the people who are important to you.
  • Trained at Penn College. While studying Graphic Design, I got a job as a Student Photographer, and learned how to use a camera in manual.
  • FILM IS THE BEST WAY TO LEARN PRO PHOTOGRAPHY! I said what I said. Especially when your camera has no battery and you have to figure out how to expose your picture for a specific sensitivity of film (ISO).
  • Spontaneous! Last minute something coming up? Count me in. I once photographed a wedding with less than a day to prepare.