Philadelphia Labor & Delivery

Thomas Jefferson Maternity, Philadelphia PA

“I couldn’t bring myself to go”

This story hits home a little bit too much...



In 2021, a friend of mine was assaulted by someone she didn't know. She was set up by a friend, and cannot remember what he looked like, all while already fighting to get her youngest son back in a custody battle with CYS. Having her two children home with her was all she wanted.

Flash forward a few weeks, she received the test results that nobody wants to read. She didn't choose this, but she was carrying a baby. Can you imagine the stress of carrying a child that you don't even know who the father is?



CYS would see this as a problem, and stressing about having a baby who would remind her of this man, she considered terminating her pregnancy, ending a life. It is an option in our culture, and it felt like the logical solution. She called and made her appointment.

She thought, worried, and remembered her other two children and remembered the joy they brought her. It was not because of their fathers (who had both left), but because they were her children, and reason to keep living. She decided not to go.



She decided not to share her news with anyone, not wanting anyone to know or judge her, only with her mother. She considered giving the baby up for adoption, but that was not where her heart truly was. She wanted to be a mother for the baby.



Dealing with a long pregnancy, pre-term labor and other complications on top of it, and solving all of the problems that arose, she gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl. I was blessed and honored to be able to join her during labor, birth, and her hospital stay.

Both mama and baby are doing well. She continues to fight for her son from a distance for now but is hoping to get full custody soon. She is strong and beautiful, and I hope her daughters grow up to love and fight for what is right, just like she does. 


With her permission, here are a few photos to share with you.