Elevate Your Wedding Day


  1. Vow Books - Invest some time in looking at different designs and find a book that you can read your vows from. It adds an extra dimension to your photos, and it makes them look a little less last minute.
  2. Have your officiant hold onto your vow books after your detail photos are done
  3. Speeches - Invest in a nice little book that is at least 5x7 for your maid of honor and your best man to read their speeches out of. You can even have them write the speeches on their phone and hide it behind the book. It makes them look a little more polished, and a little less like they are playing on their phone.
  4. Video - If you can wiggle it into your budget, video taping your wedding can be very meaningful for family members who cannot be at your wedding.
  5. Bring Extras - If at all possible, obtain an extra tie or bowtie, hair clips or pins, shades, or whatever you and your parties are doing that is unified, it will give you peace of mind knowing that everything for your wedding day is ready and you have back up if you need it.
  6. Purpose - Remember that your wedding day is about you and your significant other. Yes! Even the reception. Bring people who will bring you together, plan events that will bring you and your communities together. Plan a little extra time in and don't over exert yourself, remember that this day is about sharing your love between you, and letting the love between you create an atmosphere that matches who you are as a couple.